Please join us for a special Shabbaton,
Warming up for Pesach
Rabbi Avi Heller

Friday - Saturday, March 16-17, 2018
On Friday night we will have a delicious dinner together which will be followed by Rabbi Heller's shiur,"Today is Rosh Hashana! The Meaning of Rosh Chodesh Nissan." The cost of the dinner is $20 per person. If you would like to reserve a place, please pay by check or Paypal here and please email Paul Radensky so we can put you on the list.
On Shabbos day, Rabbi Heller will speak during davening on "What is a "Sacrifice"? Beginning the Book of Vayikra." After davenning, the shul will host of full sit down kiddush-luncheon.
After Minchah, Rabbi Heller will speak at Shalosh Seudos on "Appetizers for Your Seder."
We are looking forward to an exciting Shabbaton and we hope you will join us!
An acclaimed speaker, Rabbi Avi Heller is an OU Regional Director
and former Director of Education at MJE