The Old Broadway Synagogue is proud to present two exciting learning opportunities (and breakfast) on alternate Sunday mornings (email us for the exact schedule) following 8:00am Shacharis:
Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Chayes and His Defense of the Tradition
With Rabbi Elie Pollack

Join us for a spirited examination of the writing of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Chayes, one of the leading19th centuries leading defenders of traditional Judaism, as he dives into the sea of rabbinic Judaism to demonstrate its logic, its beauty and its profound spirituality.
R' Elie Pollack grew up in The Detroit area but he now resides in Brooklyn as a kollel member in Torah V'daas. He merited to have a strong relationship with the late Rosh Yeshiva, the venerated R' Yisrael Belsky, in whose Yoreh Deah shiur he studied for the better part of a decade. When he is not studying or teaching, he enjoys public-speaking, writing, and translating. He had released two kuntreisim (pamphlets) regarding teachings of R' Belsky as well as a tribute to Detroit's late kollel pioneer, the beloved R' Moshe Schwab. He also has published two articles The Logic of the Orthodox Dating Sytem (March 2010) and The Downward Spiral of Golus (Dec. 2013) in The Five Towns Jewish Times.
He and his wife have been blessed with five wonderful children.
Inyanei d'Yoma: Spiritual Opportunities in the Jewish Calendar
With Rabbi Avi Heller

Join as as we explore the various holidays and fast days of the Jewish calendar and develop a deeper appreciation of their meaning for us as a community and for each of us as individuals. The upcoming shiurim are as follows:
Rabbi Avi Heller is the Regional Director for Synagogues in New Jersey and Rockland County. Originally from Denver, Colorado, Rabbi Heller has been the Director of Education for the Manhattan Jewish Experience and, prior to that, the co-director of the OU’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus at Boston University. He has also served as the Director of the Boca Raton Community Kollel, the Rabbi of the BRS West Synagogue and the Bronfman Fellow at Hillel International. He received his BA from Boston University, semicha from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) and also completed his MA in Tanach from the Bernard Revel School of Graduate Studies. He and his wife Shira live in Teaneck, NJ.
Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Chayes and His Defense of the Tradition
With Rabbi Elie Pollack

Join us for a spirited examination of the writing of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Chayes, one of the leading19th centuries leading defenders of traditional Judaism, as he dives into the sea of rabbinic Judaism to demonstrate its logic, its beauty and its profound spirituality.
R' Elie Pollack grew up in The Detroit area but he now resides in Brooklyn as a kollel member in Torah V'daas. He merited to have a strong relationship with the late Rosh Yeshiva, the venerated R' Yisrael Belsky, in whose Yoreh Deah shiur he studied for the better part of a decade. When he is not studying or teaching, he enjoys public-speaking, writing, and translating. He had released two kuntreisim (pamphlets) regarding teachings of R' Belsky as well as a tribute to Detroit's late kollel pioneer, the beloved R' Moshe Schwab. He also has published two articles The Logic of the Orthodox Dating Sytem (March 2010) and The Downward Spiral of Golus (Dec. 2013) in The Five Towns Jewish Times.
He and his wife have been blessed with five wonderful children.
Inyanei d'Yoma: Spiritual Opportunities in the Jewish Calendar
With Rabbi Avi Heller

Join as as we explore the various holidays and fast days of the Jewish calendar and develop a deeper appreciation of their meaning for us as a community and for each of us as individuals. The upcoming shiurim are as follows:
July 16 - Eating Meat and Drinking Wine during the 3 Weeks
July 30 - What Are the Reasons the Beit ha-Mikdash was Destroyed?
Rabbi Avi Heller is the Regional Director for Synagogues in New Jersey and Rockland County. Originally from Denver, Colorado, Rabbi Heller has been the Director of Education for the Manhattan Jewish Experience and, prior to that, the co-director of the OU’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus at Boston University. He has also served as the Director of the Boca Raton Community Kollel, the Rabbi of the BRS West Synagogue and the Bronfman Fellow at Hillel International. He received his BA from Boston University, semicha from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) and also completed his MA in Tanach from the Bernard Revel School of Graduate Studies. He and his wife Shira live in Teaneck, NJ.
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