Monday, July 29, 2024
Tisha ba-Av at Old Broadway, August 12-13, 2024
Sunday, July 14, 2024
The Schiff Family at the Old Broadway Synagogue
Among the founding families of the Old Broadway Synagogue were the Morris and Rachel Schiff. I have been in touch with their grandsons, Bob Schiff and Joel Schiff. Joel was kind enough to send me some family photos. Unfortunately, Morris and Rachel died before Joel was born, and he does not know much about them. I would love to learn more about the Schiffs so if anyone has any information, please share it with me.
Here are some photos:
Here is a photo of Morris Schiff in some sort of store. My guess is that it is a second hand store since there are a number of disparate objects in the photo, in addition to Morris.
Morris and Rachel Schiff, in later years.
Sidney (son of Morris and Rachel) and Anne Schiff ([arents of Joel Schiff). Probably shortly after their wedding in 1938.
Here are the yahrzeit plaques for Morris and Rachel:
May their memory be for a blessing!